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Area Disinfection Using Ozonated Water (Chemical Free)

Poultry Disinfection

Ozone can be put in the water that chickens drink as well as in the surrounding air. This produces healthier chickens, as it ensures that they are not infected by unclean water. Earth Safe Ozone measured the effects of its UltraPur ozonation system on three different farms, with an average flock size of 80,000 each. Several parameters including % of birds alive, average weight, and bacteria count were measured a year before and after the installation of the UltraPur system. The percent of birds alive rose from an average of 96.1% to 97.2%, which is an increase of about 900 chickens. The average chicken weight rose from 4.05 lbs to 4.15 lbs. The total bacteria decreased from over 100 ppm to less than 2 ppm. The decrease in total bacteria shows the effectiveness of ozone as a sanitizer, while the increase in average weight and % alive shows that ozone also makes the chickens healthier overall (Earth Safe Ozone).

Mobile Disinfection Cart utilizes dissolved ozone in water to provide superior sanitation for all barrel, tank and production surfaces.

Mobile Disinfection Cart’s ease of use and mobility features. “It can be moved to anywhere in the facility you need ozone or wheeled onto a truck and taken to another building.

Piggery Disinfection

Lagoons have been a popular storage technique of the past. It was believed that removing the majority of the manure from the swine living environment would improve the living conditions of the hogs. However, this approach has not curbed the odor problem and has not significantly improved the swine living environment. Also, the issue of ground water contamination and the mere sight and smell of these outdoor manure pools has pushed manure storage underneath the hog facility. Ozone is very effective at reducing odor and with the right knowledge can be applied to dramatically improve swine living conditions.


Ozone technology offers many advantages, and water treated with ozone can be effectively reused requiring limited filtration. Ozonated water can be used anywhere in a packing or processing plant. Anywhere you’re running water through pipes, you can use low-level ozonated water. You can use higher levels of ozonated water in cleaning off equipment, conveyor belts, hooks, and those sorts of things-in addition to actually coming into contact with a food product.

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